How To Build A SpriteKit Game In Swift 3 (Part 3)



Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a SpriteKit game? Do buttons seem like a bigger task than they should be? Ever wonder how to persist settings in a game? Game-making has never been easier on iOS since the introduction of SpriteKit. In part three of this three-part series, we will finish up our RainCat game and complete our introduction to SpriteKit.

How To Build A SpriteKit Game In Swift 3 (Part 3)

If you missed out on the previous lesson, you can catch up by getting the code on GitHub. Remember that this tutorial requires Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

The post How To Build A SpriteKit Game In Swift 3 (Part 3) appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

Source: Smashing Magazine, How To Build A SpriteKit Game In Swift 3 (Part 3)